DepartmentForeign Languages and Cultures
English Studies at NBU, Vol1, Issue 1, 2015

English Studies at NBU, Vol1, Issue 1, 2015
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2015
Editor's Message, p.3
Boris Naimushin
On the concept of term equivalence, pp.4-17
Diana Yankova
How far do we agree on the quality of translation?, pp.18-31
Maria Kunilovskaya
The methodological structure of a language A to language B translation textbook, pp.32-45
Dmitry Yermolovich
Challenging academic presentations, pp.46-62
Milka Hadjikoteva
Helping learners with dyslexia read in English, pp.63-71
Blagovesta Troeva
The governess as a Gothic heroine in Henry James' The turn of the screw, pp.72-79
Andrea Gencheva
The American Civil War as a social revolution: the Enlightenment, providential consciousness and changes in moral perception, pp.80-96
Tadd Graham Fernée
Система городской навигации города Москвы как проблема мултьтикультурного моделирования лингвистического образа города
(The Latinization of Moscow street signs as an approach to urban navigation in a multicultural environment), pp.97-115
Olga Suleimanova, Daria Holodova
Особенности типов субъектов в переводческой перспективе
(Subject types and their characteristics in translation), pp.116-126
Marina Fomina